By Bryan Whiting
October 29, 2024
My Story from Google Maps to founding an SEO Agency: to help When I worked at Google between March 2020 until Feb 2022, I worked on the Google Maps team helping enhance the Google Business Profile product. Specifically, I was responsible for helping get everyday users to upload photos and write reviews about local businesses. I worked on a few parts of Google Maps while there: Photos/Reviews: Encouraging everyday users to upload photos and reviews through optimizing the notifications. Ever get a notification when you open your phone after leaving a location saying "hey, leave a review"? I take some very partial responsibility. Photo/Review Ranking: Designing systems to analyze and rank quality photos and reviews. This includes reduce spammy reviews and de-rank spammy photos (like selfies - man, you wouldn't believe how many people upload spammy selfies in their reviews) Local Guides: Designing a point system called Local Guides that encourages people to review places they've visited. I also helped build the profiles for Local Guides who leave reviews. As of this writing, I'm a Local Guide Level 5 with 117 reviews/photos. Building the Posts and Updates tab on Google Maps - which is part of the Community Feed . The Community Feed social media feed that a lot of people don't know about. If you didn't know this existed, its a way for your business to show up on Google when people I worked as a Data Scientist, which means I did a lot of analytics to help support the engineers who were building the systems. I was responsible for helping clarify if any of the changes that the engineers made had any impact on user behavior. How does this related to SEO? So glad you asked. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a fancy term for the following: Google has more data than they know what to do with because they crawl the internet constantly. And they need to figure out how to show you something useful instead of the 80% of the garbage that's on this beautiful thing that's called the internet (hey, one man's trash is another's treasure!). So SEO ranks those webpages in terms of relevance to your search result. They use AI to do it (hence, Silvermine AI ). I learned a lot about how Google ranks the data using AI (called Google Brain ). They use powerful algorithms like Computer Vision to inspect a photo. They use thousands of offshore workers to quantify and label content on the internet - which includes photos. For example, $2/hour workers will sit all day looking through thousands of photos and label them "man", "storefront", "cantelope" and rank the quality "low quality" or "blurry". They then use powerful AI algorithms to then evaluate the very photos you upload to your business. A photo uploaded by yourself or your customers would have the following data (assuming this is a picture taken from the street to show your business): quality_score: 74% labels: [storefront: 73%, window: 34%, street: 21%, bicycle: 15%] latitude: 74.021 longitude: 34.023 photo_source: iPhone 13.1 aperture: 1.2 ... I kid you not - they have hundreds of qualitative analysis (quality_core, labels) which and photo/review metadata. It's absolutely incredible. And it's an absolutely, massively complex system that nobody understands. See, most SEO experts know a lot just by guessing or learning by experience and learning from others. It's actually the SEO experts outside of Google who understand SEO perhaps better than Google's own engineers. It's like how an Influencer understands the YouTube or TikTok algorithms better than the people using it. Why is that? Many engineers at Google have a short tenure (< 2 years). Many, like me, see it as a prestigious company and they want to hone their skills there. They want to learn from the best. It's an extension of their education. They move on. They don't have the time to understand everything. Each engineer works on a very tiny component. There are thousands of engineers at Google Maps, and hundreds on Google Brain. The Maps team doesn't understand the Google Brain AI algos and the Google Brain team can't even explain it. So they see these magical scores appear out of nowhere. And they just use it. They experiment with changes. Google only cares about one thing: maximizing ad revenue. That's really it. So they make very minor tweaks in their ranking algorithms to do what: increase ad revenue. They get ad revenue by having more people use their software (instead of Yelp or Apple Maps). So they make changes in their rankings to see what drives the most clicks and gets people driving to destinations. If that means only showing Google Profiles with high quality photos? So be it. They don't care. They do what their Maps users tell them is important. It's up to people in the field to figure out what those changes are and to translate those into business value for our customers. Why leave a cush Google job? I saw a huge opportunity to help small businesses. The same reason you own a business. We're truly an insane bunch... I loved my time at Google and loved the people I worked with. But I've always wanted to take that refined skillset and own my own company. I decided for a few years to work at some startups because maybe I could get the benefits of owning my own company without the costs of all the managerial headaches. But eventually, I've learned I actually love the managerial stuff. And I want to pursue the American dream of business ownership. So I started an SEO agency to solve a problem I saw while working at GoogleMaps: so many businesses are flooded with so much noise every day they don't have time to keep their profile clean and up to date. For a minor monthly fee they could outsource this, be ranking higher, and getting more phone calls. But when you're focused on payroll, serving your clients, managing letters from the IRS, getting your payment processor working for the fourth time this month, managing inventory, hiring or (if painfully necessary) firing that all adds up. Your dinky Google Profile is the last thing on your mind. Until you hit a wall where word of mouth stops working. Then you need to expand online. Then you find a company like Silvermine AI . Please reach out if there's any way I can help - even if it's a free consult to see where you are, ideate new marketing ideas, and finding ways to grow your business.